How is AI Developing in 2023

As we turn the page on 2022, it's time to begin thinking about the state of AI and what it could bring in the coming year. There is a great deal of potential for AI to revolutionise the world, and so here are our 10...

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AI is set to automate repetitive tasks and roles, and revolutionise entire industries. Will this cause socio-economic catastrophe, or lead to powerful growth and innovation? The quality of our commitment to education, reskilling and upskilling initiatives will decide.

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Many of the criticisms of large language models (text generating AI) are based on a naïve view of the function and purpose of language. Language is not, and nor should it be, just about communicating scientifically verifiable propositions. Human language is much richer than that.

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Artists and creatives have always been instrumental in identifying and driving the zeitgeist. The application of AI is providing new ways for us to be creative.

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An algorithm is a set of unambiguous instructions that are followed in order to complete a task. Algorithmic aversion is the tendency for people to avoid using algorithms or automated decision-making systems when given the choice. This aversion may be due to concerns about the lack of transparency in these...

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